Brewton Aviation (HIRING)

Want to fly pipeline? this one might be for you...


It’s a little late in the day to be getting an email, but check this out, from Heather at Brewton Aviation:

We are hiring again!

It is for the position in Montana. The pilot we have there now said he “couldn’t handle the wind…"

I do not think that every pilot realizes how much breaking a contract can negatively affect their aviation career down the road. We are obligated to report who flies for us so it’s not as simple as just leaving a former employer off of your resume. Also, if a recruiter finds out that a candidate lies on pretty much anything, they will never hire that person.

Regarding contracts & buy outs…

I think that is a huge safety concern and we do not have that in our contract. If a pilot legitimately does not feel that they can perform this job safely, I sincerely do not want them flying our aircraft putting their life and our aircraft and contracts at risk. I know [other company] has a $10,000 pro-rated buy out clause, and I think all that does is make someone continue to do something they cannot safely do because they cannot afford to buy their way out of the contract.

We spend about $7,000 to $10,000 training and getting a pilot approved to fly for some of these companies. That includes paying for the classes that each company requires to “make them qualified” in the eyes of the client. The reason for the contract is to be able to keep them long enough to justify spending that kind of money. A lot of companies make the pilot pay for it all. We don’t so it hurts us a lot if pilots leave before that 12 months is up.

Anyway, we are looking for someone who has experience flying over mountainous terrain and in windy conditions with a minimum of 500 hours (although in this market I am getting resumes from people with a significantly higher amount). By moutainous terrain experience, I mean experience flying over the mountains in Montana, Wyoming and North Dakota dealing with things like wind sheer, down drafts, ridge lift, and mountain wave activity… And crosswind landings. That is a big one!

We are no longer hiring pilots from ATP flight schools.

They must live in Southeast MT or be willing to relocate. They must be willing to consent to random drug and alcohol testing and must be able to pass those tests. We will be hiring within the next two weeks so I really need all resumes to be submitted no later than Wednesday, March 26. Optimally, we need someone out there within the next month (the sooner the better).

Who’s interested?

She could have posted this in one of the facebook groups and she would’ve gotten 200 resumes before the end of the day, among which more than half wouldn’t even meet the requirements.

I know, because I used to that too: send my resume regardless, because “you never know…”

But she didn’t, because she doesn’t want to deal with that, so the goal for me is to make sure that doesn’t happen to her after I send this email.

For that reason, I won’t share her address email here.

Instead, if you do meet the requirements, please, submit an application here. It will be uploaded to a Google drive she has access to.

She will be in touch with the qualified applicants.

My take on the whole training contract thing.

I just signed one for a dropzone in Central New York—the one I sent to the Low-Time Pilot Job Board subscribers.

People say you should never sign a contract for a single-engine piston, so yes, I was a little taken aback when the owner sent me the details of the contract.

But it’s just business.

Sure, some may be a little predatory. I’m not saying you should just sign whatever. But we need to keep in mind training costs money to the employer.

“oh yeah but I paid a bunch of money too for my training!”

Okay… so?

I promise I’m on your side, I’m low-time too. But the reality is: you don’t want it? someone else will take it.

And in the case of Brewton, it’s a safe bet because they’re not after your money. They just want skilled and loyal pilots.

Just two weeks ago I was offered a different jump pilot job, BUT I had to pay the training expenses upfront, and they’d pay me back at the end of the season. I’m glad I had other options, so I didn’t take it but it doesn’t necessarily make it a bad job. They’re still hiring by the way, it’s iSkydive Detroit—I also posted about it for the Low-Time Pilot Job Board subscribers.

My point is, contracts don’t necessarily equal bad employer, or at least I don’t think that anymore.

Of course, make sure you understand whatever you’re signing!

So good luck, mine is up in October, and I’ll be on the job market again. The search never ends though. My current goal is to have the next opportunity lined up by fall.

I’ve been watching a bunch of aviation career videos/podcasts and the biggest takeaway is that pilots need to constantly prepare for their next job BEFORE they need it.

I do have a couple banner towing deep dives to schedule, so you can expect that next.

I did say an updated list of low-time jobs would come, but people aren’t as eager to share as last year (maybe understandably), so crowdsourcing is a little tougher. Keep an eye on the facebook groups.

But speaking of the job board…

You know you don’t HAVE to pay for it, right?

Just refer your friends to the newsletter, and you’ll get free access.

It used to be 5 referrals for a month, but I’ll make it one-for-one, plus you and your referral will BOTH get a month free.

That also means, if you refer 8 pilot friends, you’ll have access to the job board for the rest of 2025.

Because I always talk smack about climbto350 (rightfully so in a few aspects), yet got a job through it, I sort of owe you one, don’t I?

So, in addition to that, all who’ve purchased the Low-Time Pilot Jobs Database in the past are hereby granted access to the Low-Time Pilot Job Board for the rest of year.

If you decide to get it today, you’re also getting access until the end of the year. Learn more about the database by clicking here.

Pretty excited for my first flying job in the US, I hope these little bonuses can help you make that happen for you too.

So yeah, just remember, the job search never really ends, not until you’ve reached your final destination, wherever that may be.

Until next time!


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