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Low time pilot jobs community list
A curated list of low time pilot jobs with required minimums below 1000 hours total flight time.

Low time pilot jobs are hard to find. Very hard.
And that’s probably why you’re here. You’re a fresh commercial pilot, you don’t want to go the CFI route, so you’re out here scouring the web, trying to find anything else.
Your endless search, where did that finally bring you? to me.

Thanos jokes aside, does it have to be that way? We could argue no good things in life come easy. Doesn’t mean we can’t ease the process, right?
Well, if you’re a low time pilot looking for a job, maybe your first pilot job, then I hope this list I built from curating everything that I’ve found on the internet helps.
**I NEED TO ADD SOMETHING** These companies used to hire at the minimums listed. It does NOT mean they are CURRENTLY hiring. Markets change. Remember low time jobs are scarce, so of course employers are going to have more supply than demand, more candidates than available positions.
[every update will now be made in the premium database, but this free one will always be available for future reference]
400TT and less
Optic Air: CSEL
Gulf Coast Helicopter: CSEL (added: 1/20/24)
Anthem Air Service: CMEL (added: 1/20/24)
Volair (Sandhills Aviation): CSEL (updated: 01/23/24)
*Fly The Whale: CSEL, CSES, and IR. Next hiring opportunity for SIC’s will likely be in the late winter for a May 2024 start date for a seasonal role (last update: 09/25/23)
Skydive Saipan: 250TT (to be confirmed)
Scenic Flights of Acadia: 250TT
Quest Diagnostics: 250TT (added: 11/24/23)
Maine Coastal Scenic Flights: 250TT (added: 2/19/24)
*Tropic Ocean Airways: 250TT, CSEL required to apply, CSES required before first day of class
*Southern Airways Express: 250TT, but you allegedly need a referral to actually stand a chance. Otherwise, competitive minimums are reported to be 500TT (last update: 10/06/23)
Makers Air: 250TT (added: 11/24/23)
Jav Imagery: 250TT
Skylens Aerial Imaging: 250TT
Williams Aerial and Mapping: 250TT (last update: 11/24/23)
*Aerial Banners Inc: 300TT, tailwheel & high-performance endorsement (last update: 11/24/23)
*Reynolds Aviation: 300TT (added: 10/24/23)
IFL Group: 300TT (added: 1/20/24)
Kucera International: 300TT 50ME (added: 1/20/24)
*Eagle Sky Patrol: 300TT (added: 10/13/23)
*World Skydiving Center: 300TT, 5 hours in C182 (added: 01/12/24)
*Air Cargo Carriers: 300TT minimum, 900TT competitive (added: 11/24/23)
*Northwoods Air: 350TT posted, it’s actually a little lower than that according to the company’s owner, so when survey season comes around, if you’re above 300TT, apply (last update: 10/06/23)
Dallas Tandem Skydiving: 350TT (added: 01/20/24)
*American Patrols: 400TT for pilots, 250TT for sensor operators (updated: 01/20/24)
ProStar Flight Services: 400TT
EagleView: 400TT 30ME
Skydive Yosemite: 400TT
Skydive Charlevoix: 400TT (added: 12/02/23)
*Surfair: 500TT, could be lower for the right candidates (added: 11/10/23)
Grand Canyon Scenic Airlines: 500TT
Mokulele Airlines: 500TT
Bering Air: 500TT
Fargo Jet Center: 500TT (added: 2/17/24)
Taquan Air: 500TT 200SES (added: 11/24/23)
Cutter Aviation: 500TT minimum, 750TT preferred (last update: 11/27/23)
*Cape Air: 500TT, currently only hiring FOs through partnered programs (last update: 11/06/23)
*American Aviation: 500TT 100XC 25XCN (added: 11/06/23)
Redtail Air: 500TT 100XC 25XCN, accepting applications for March 2024. (added 11/10/23)
Westwind Air Service: 500TT 100XC 25XCN (added: 11/10/23)
Star Marianas Air: 500TT 100XC 25XCN
Copper Valey Air Service: 500TT 100XC 25XCN (added: 11/10/23)
Grant Aviation: 500TT 100XC 25XCN
Mountain Air Services: 500TT 200PIC preferred (added: 1/20/24)
Penobscot Island Air: 500TT 100XC 25XCN, high performance endorsement (added: 11/10/23)
*Boutique Air: 500TT minimum, 800TT current competitive minimums (last update: 11/06/23)
Island Air Service: 500TT 100XC 25XCN minimum, 1000TT preferred (added: 11/10/23)
CSI Aviation: 500TT 250ME (added 11/10/23)
Gary JetCenter: 500TT 300PIC 50ME 50IMC (added: 1/20/24)
Wonderful Aviation (Wonderful Orchards): 500TT, 800TT preferred with 50 hours in C208
Fresh Air Aviation: 500PIC 100ME (added: 1/20/24)
Hudson Valley Air Tours: 600TT (added: 1/20/24)
*JSX: 800TT 50ME but if you’re part of the Aviate Program it drops to 600TT
Phoenix Air: 750TT but 500TT if you have your CFI
Contour Airlines: 750TT 50ME minimum, 1000TT preferred (added: 11/10/23)
Planesense: 750TT minimum, 1000TT preferred (added: 11/10/23)
Kalitta Air Charters: 800TT (added: 11/10/23)
Castle Aviation: 800TT (added: 11/10/23)
*Tradewind aviation: 800TT minimums, 1000TT current competitive minimums (last update: 11/06/23)
Airshare: 900TT, CFI (updated: 1/20/24)
Alpine Air: CMEL, 900TT (added: 1/20/24)
*Ameriflight: 500TT 25ME 100XC 50N 350PIC 75IMC (as of 11/23: CFI is required)
Berry Aviation: 500TT 25ME
Express Air Transport: 500TT (added: 2/17/24)
Waterfall freight: 500TT 100XC 25XCN (added: 1/20/24)
ACE Air Cargo: 500TT 250PIC
*Key Lime Air/Denver Air Connections: 500TT 100ME minimum, 850TT competitive (last update: 11/24/23)
*Freight Runners: 750TT, they sold the fleet of aircrafts with 250TT FOs. According to a current employee, they most likely won’t be taking in new hires for some time. (last update: 10/13/23)
Mountain Air Cargo: 800TT, 500PIC
Priority Air Charter: 800TT
Sierra West Airline: 800TT
CSA Air: 800TT
*Brewton Aviation: 450TT (last update: 12/04/23)
*Sol Aerial Survey: 450TT flexible and 80ME hard minimum, Assistant Chief Pilot expect hiring to start again some time around December (last update: 10/10/23)
Meisinger Aviation: 450TT 200PIC 25ME (added: 11/24/23)
TAF Aerial Services: 500TT (added: 11/06/23)
Fugro: 500TT
Hawkeye Helicopters: 500TT (added: 01/12/24)
Handel Aviation: 500TT (added: 01/12/24)
Aperture Aviation: 500TT (added: 11/24/23)
Air America Flight Center LLC: 500TT
Keystone Aerial Survey: 500TT
East Moriches Aerial Advertising: 500TT (added: 1/20/24)
Dynamic Aviation: 500TT
Talos Aviation: 500TT 50MEPIC
*Revolution Flight LLC: 500TT minimum, 7-800TT preferred (added: 11/10/23)
*North American Aerial Surveys: 500PIC 100ME (added: 11/06/23)
GPI Geospatial: 650TT 25ME, less if you have hours on PA31 (added: 11/27/23)
AXIS GeoAviation: 750TT 100ME (added: 1/20/24)
Just Jump Skydiving: 500TT and 25 in C182
Maui Skydiving: 500TT preferred, lower if previous jump experience and/or C182 time
Skydive Saratoga: 500T
Skydive HawaĂŻ: 500TT, C182 experience
Skydibe NEPA: 500TT (added: 1/20/24)
Skydive the Wasatch: 500TT, CFII (added: 1/20/24)
Rattlesnake Mountain Skydiving: 500TT, 10 hours of turbocharged engine experience (added: 1/20/24)
Skydive The Grand Canyon: 500TT, 50 hours of turbocharged engine experience (added: 1/20/24)
Skydive Guam: 750TT, previous jump ops experience
Skydive Philadelphia: 750TT
Desert Sand Aircraft: 750TT
This is 100s of hours’ worth of personal research, put together in an easy-to-use database, all for the cost of an hour of ground.
It includes everything else you might want to know about the low time companies out there. Pay, schedule, contract details, location, contact information, hearsay…
It’s Notion, so you can also customize it with whatever else you find.
I’m still building the database and adding more and more information as I go, so this is definitely not the final product, but check it out for yourself. Of course, you get lifetime access to every update too.
I know how time consuming and frustrating the search is. I hope it eases the pain.